
Food waste report calls for collaboration
Food waste expert Martin Gooch says he was surprised by the utter lack of media interest in his first report on the subject in Canada in 2010. The report notably… Lire la suite >>
L’économie du Québec croît à un rythme constant, selon BMO
L’économie du Québec croît à un rythme constant et elle devrait profiter de la demande provenant des États-Unis ainsi que de la confiance accrue des entreprises, selon un rapport publié… Lire la suite >>
Walmart plans to slow new store openings, invest in online
Walmart plans to slow its new store openings and pour more money into its online efforts, technology and store remodels, the company said Thursday. The world’s largest retailer also tempered… Lire la suite >>
Walmart to expand online warehouses to compete with Amazon
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is accelerating its investment in e-commerce in a bid to narrow the gap with Inc. and to give it an even more dominant position against the… Lire la suite >>
Le pétrole dépasse les 50$ à New York
Les cours du pétrole ont ouvert en légère hausse jeudi à New York et dépassaient pour la première fois les 50 dollars le baril depuis juin, continuant à profiter de… Lire la suite >>
Walmart anticipe une stagnation de ses profits
L’enseigne américaine de la distribution Walmart a prévenu jeudi que ses bénéfices allaient stagner lors de son prochain exercice fiscal s’ouvrant en février, en raison de gros investissements pour rattraper… Lire la suite >>
Joia Spirit
Boundary Waters Brands launched Joia Spirit, a line of ready-to-drink cocktails made with the company’s all-natural soda and vodka, it says.  Lire la suite >>
Canadian researcher suggests California’s drought could go on for centuries
California is entering its sixth year of a record drought, but it’s the long-term forecast that has experts worried. The forever drought could be the new normal. It’s already affecting… Lire la suite >>
Europe, opérateurs essentiels, citoyens numériques… les priorités cybersécurité de Guillaume Poupard (Anssi)
Guillaume Poupard, à la tête de l’Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (Anssi), a ouvert les Assises de la sécurité 2016, qui se tiennent à Monaco jusqu’au 7… Lire la suite >>
Moody’s Raises its Outlook on Packaged Food Sector
Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded its outlook for the packaged foods industry from « stable » to « positive, » according to its latest analysis. Lire la suite >>
Green Plant of the Year 2016: Clif Bar’s Green Bakery Supports Corporate Ideals
Clif Bar’s products focus on healthy snacking. Its new bakery focuses on the health and well-being of workers, the community and Mother Nature. Lire la suite >>
Worker Safety Goes Beyond Cost Avoidance to Include Productivity Improvements
Plenty of penalties are meted out when on-the-job injuries occur, but beyond the penalties, there’s a real upside to a proactive approach that creates a safety culture. Lire la suite >>