Tendances et consommation
ja Juice Co. launched a new line of functional drinking vinegars exclusively in Wholefoods Market stores nationwide. Lire la suite >>
Some 160,000 visitors are expected to attend the SIAL show in Paris next week (October 16-20) to see and sample some of the most innovative food products from 105 participating… Lire la suite >>
Les cours du pétrole ont ouvert en légère hausse jeudi à New York et dépassaient pour la première fois les 50 dollars le baril depuis juin, continuant à profiter de… Lire la suite >>
Boundary Waters Brands launched Joia Spirit, a line of ready-to-drink cocktails made with the company’s all-natural soda and vodka, it says. Lire la suite >>
California is entering its sixth year of a record drought, but it’s the long-term forecast that has experts worried. The forever drought could be the new normal. It’s already affecting… Lire la suite >>
Clif Bar’s products focus on healthy snacking. Its new bakery focuses on the health and well-being of workers, the community and Mother Nature. Lire la suite >>
To celebrate its 21st anniversary, SoBe, a brand of PepsiCo Inc., announced the addition of two new flavors to its lineup: Midnight Mojito and En Fuego. Lire la suite >>
Canadian food manufacturers will reap record profits this year, predicts a new analytical report on the industry by the Conference Board of Canada. And it suggests those profits will remain… Lire la suite >>
Les propriétaires de dépanneur et d’épicerie indépendante reviennent à la charge et demandent au gouvernement provincial de modifier la loi afin qu’ils puissent vendre de l’alcool avant 8h et après… Lire la suite >>
Le gouvernement Trudeau annoncera d’ici la fin de l’année son plan pour éliminer les gras trans, réduire le sel dans les aliments transformés et favoriser une meilleure nutrition, a appris La… Lire la suite >>
Amazon says it will soon offer same-day delivery to its Prime customers in Toronto and Vancouver who order something online worth more than $25. Lire la suite >>
When it comes to brands Canadians trust most, food and wilderness seem to be top of mind. The Peter B. Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria has released… Lire la suite >>