Researchers have developed a novel plant-based substitute for gelatin derived from pea protein. Lire la suite >>
Vertical farming, and controlled environment agriculture more generally, holds the promise of environmental sustainability. But rising energy costs and challenging economic conditions are straining the sector. Can technology help overcome… Lire la suite >>
Scientists in Israel have developed a peanut strain to treat peanut allergies. Lire la suite >>
Many vegetarians choose not to consume meat for ethical reasons, believing that harming and killing animals simply to provide humans with food is wrong. However, they still eat non-meat animal… Lire la suite >>
Unilever PLC executives suggested during the firm’s July 25 first-half earnings call with analysts that inflation has peaked, but that its effects will continue to be felt, especially in its… Lire la suite >>
All Whole Foods Market locations in the U.S. will offer Amazon One for payment and Prime membership benefits by the end of the year, according to an Amazon blog post.… Lire la suite >>
Absolut’s paper-based bottle Eco-conscious consumers in the U.K. can head to one of 22 Tesco supermarkets in Manchester to grab vodka packaged in a paper-based bottle. Absolut Vodka has debuted… Lire la suite >>
In the past 12 months, global sugar prices have risen 41.9% and to describe this sharp inflation in sugar prices, analysts have coined a new term: ‘sugarflation’. The current market… Lire la suite >>
La réduflation se fait en cachette, dénoncent consommateurs et experts. Si l’industrie se défend de réduire ses formats en douce, de plus en plus de voix appellent à une plus… Lire la suite >>
S’adressant au Sommet des Nations Unies sur les systèmes alimentaires +2, à Rome, M. Guterres a déclaré que dans un monde d’abondance, « il est scandaleux que des personnes continuent… Lire la suite >>
Yvan Chartrand et Louise Philbin, propriétaires du Verger du terroir dans le Témiscaming ontarien, sont parmi les plus gros producteurs de camerises dans la province. Ils souhaitent maintenant que ce… Lire la suite >>
La start-up néerlandaise NoPalm Ingredients propose une méthode innovante et durable pour produire une alternative à l’huile de palme en fermentant les flux de déchets agroalimentaires. Son objectif est de… Lire la suite >>